Turkish Get Up

Turkish Get Up


Lie on your back holding a kettlebell in one hand at the side of your shoulder with the knee to that side bent and foot on the ground. The other arm is out straight to the side and the other leg is straight on the ground.

Movement Instructions

Start by straightening the arm holding the kettlebell pressing it up in the air overtop of your shoulder, while the other arm is out to the side for balance. Keeping the arm with the kettlebell straight, raise your head and shoulders off the ground leaning on the other arm that is on the ground and pushing off the foot that is on the ground until you are in a sitting position with the kettlebell still overhead and the arm touching the ground is straight. Raise your hips off the ground by pushing off the foot that is on the ground until your body is in a straight line between your shoulder, hip, knee and ankle on the side not holding the kettlebell (you should have one hand, one leg straight and one leg bent touching the ground). Keeping the kettlebell straight overhead, bend and swing the leg that is straight (opposite the kettlebell) to bring it underneath you on your knee, then straighten and lift your torso to bring the supporting hand off the ground and bring the bent leg straight in front to end up in a half kneeling position. Push off of your bent leg and straighten it to stand up and bring the other leg forward into a standing position with the kettlebell still overhead with arm straight. Follow the reverse steps to return to the starting position and repeat.


Stay balanced throughout the movement, do not rush or rock to help with momentum, but do each step precisely.

Primary Muscle


Supporting Muscles




Lower Back






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